January 2024

Contributions for January 2024

Contribution duration - Full month


  • Refactored disbursement resources - Moved the separate incentive resources content into the incentive approaches analysis and also cleaned up the knowledge, priority, idea and contributor process resources.

  • Impact measurement approaches - Explored how impact could be measured through the priorities, ideas and contributors that get selected by the ecosystem.

  • Decision approaches improvements - Merged the contributor vs idea selection voting comparison analysis into these resources.

  • Incentive approaches improvements - Added income stability and contribution flexibility factors an also added other incentive resources and merged them into this comparative analysis.

  • Idea cost approaches improvements - Improved analysis and visualisation of comparisons made between different idea cost approaches

  • Suggestions improvements - Overhauled the suggestions resources to include the main suggestions that have come out of the disbursement analysis and also listed a number of considerations that can be made when creating a disbursement process.

  • Updates to all resources - Improved information structure and wording across many resources.

  • Websites - Added two simple informational website overviews

  • Design - Added some documentation page headers

  • Analytics - Added Google analytics across GitBook and website

Contribution outputs


Disbursement resources

Treasury suggestion resources

General updates

Systems & operation

Last updated